Plan and Project Tool
Use PLAN to create Plans and Projects with Sub Actions. Send actions to be performed to the employees workqueue. Follow up actions and progress in this simple complete project management tool.
The PLAN tool integrates with any module when needed
The Action plans can be created as stand-alone, and/or they can be attached to other functionalities in SoluDyne – such as Processes (the APOS module), Incident reports (the QIS module) and Risk evaluations (the Risk module) etc.

Easy to keep control
Builds easily manageable priority lists
Breaks down the company’s goals to operational execution plans
Delegate activites and send to perform, straight into employees' WorkQueue, with a clear distribution of responsibility.
Ensures a uniform way of working
Improves the ability to execute
Simplifying tasks with smart solutions and automatization
Built in Workflow
Ensures a clear matching of expectations in more realistic action plans
Breaks down the workload in Activities and sub Activities aligned with the overall strategy
Ensures focus where it is necessary
Ensures notifications to avoid forgetting important tasks